Monday, May 13, 2013

Question time

Today in class formed questioned that we believed to be on the test.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Epidemic disease spreads throughout the Empire
It's too hard to defend the frontier against the barbarians
Emperors began to lose their hold on power
Still too many poverty stricken citizens

Diocletian to the rescue
284 AD
Increase army to 400,000
1/3 bigger the Augustus' time
Recruit from the ranks of the barbarians
Divide Roman territories into smaller provinces this new government had 20,000 officials-ten times more than under Augustus

What was his connection with Christianity?

How did he restructure the empire?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

That's just awesome

I got an eighty on Monday's test because i screwed up the numbers and didn't do twenty as a result though i knew all of the answers and could have gotten a ninety six on it. I hate scan trons. Then we talked about Jesus and his influence on the earth and society plus we got a pop quiz that i got a hundred on.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Today I must have heard the Rome song a thousand times it really started to annoy me. Though i didn't let it get to me. We also talked about the lyrics in the song and the facts behind them like Hannibal and the Punic wars.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


When the Etruscans arrived in the Mediterranean area, the land was agriculturally similar to those of Greece except it was able to support a larger population and in time larger army’s.
Formed tribal groups: The Latin people settled on the low-lying hills along the Tiber River and the known “Seven Hills”. Around 750 B.C. the settlements eventually joined to form the city-state we know today as Rome. Etruscans, Greeks and Latin’s lived in Italy. Etruscans were non-Indo-European immigrants who arrived from the east around the 9th century. They gained control of the land north of the Latin’s and built civilizations under the rule by kings. Then the people built up civilization to combine certain characteristics.  In 7th century they conquered Latium and Etruscans ruled Rome for a while. Rome adopted featured from the Etruscans and the Romans borrowed directly from the Greeks. Greeks began to expand across the Mediterranean and planted colonies in southern Italy in the beginning in the 8th century BC to almost the border of Latium.  Latin’s learned the alphabet and gained knowledge of the Greek city states life.

Rome was ruled by the model situated by the Etruscan king. The king was advised by his Senate, whose members he appointed. He usually appointed people who were among the patricians.
(Patricians- Upper-class citizens who belonged to the oldest and noblest roman families.)
The patricians were the fathers that already belonged to the group of leading families. When a king died his successors was chosen by the Senate, subject to the approval of an assembly of male citizens. However, the Senate and patricians dominated the city-state. Around 500 BC, Rome overthrew its Etruscan rulers and the monarchy. Rome’s government became the “people’s business”, and became the Roman Republic. It underwent a long development that finally resulted in a system of government that was a mixture of Greek-style democracy and an oligarchy.
(Republic- in reference to ancient Rome, the system of city-state government in which decision making power was shared between the Senate and assemblies of male citizens.)
Patricians and Plebeians- (Plebeians- The Roman common people, including workers, small farmers, and wealthy people who were not patricians.)
In the earliest time of the Republic, the government was run by the Senate, an assembly of about 300 head patricians. Two among the Senators were consuls also known as colleagues today. (Senate- In ancient Rome, a government assembly appointed by the kings and under the Republic by the consuls) Originally all members were patricians, but in time wealthy plebeians were appointed as well. (Consuls- in the Roman Republic, they were two senators who led the government and military for one-year terms and appointed their own successors.) The consuls could veto the other lawmaker’s proposals and were a guarantee against a revival of a monarchy.
The Romans eventually started appointing more than two consuls to further more prevent a rise of a monarchy, which slowed down government decisions and actions, but they could choose a dictator in time a crisis that could rule for six months at a time, maximum. (Dictator- In the Roman Republic, a single leader with full decision-making powers, appointed for a maximum six-month term during times of emergency.)
Above all, the patricians held the most power. The plebeians wanted to have power too and disputes rose. Eventually, since Rome depended on its lower class citizens for their military, they developed a government system that maintained the power of the Senate and admitted the plebeians to power. Slowly the patrician and plebeian groups combined until they no longer mattered in government and politics eventually in 250 BC. Plebeians were eligible for all public offices and even consul, were allowed into the consul and were allow marrying into patrician families.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday Test Day!

Patricians- upper class citizens who belonged to the oldest and noblest Roman families
Republic- In reference to ancient Rome the system of city-state government in which decision making power was shared between the Senate and assemblies of male citizens

To day we took a test about Alexander  the Great. I think i did really well.