Monday, May 13, 2013

Question time

Today in class formed questioned that we believed to be on the test.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Epidemic disease spreads throughout the Empire
It's too hard to defend the frontier against the barbarians
Emperors began to lose their hold on power
Still too many poverty stricken citizens

Diocletian to the rescue
284 AD
Increase army to 400,000
1/3 bigger the Augustus' time
Recruit from the ranks of the barbarians
Divide Roman territories into smaller provinces this new government had 20,000 officials-ten times more than under Augustus

What was his connection with Christianity?

How did he restructure the empire?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

That's just awesome

I got an eighty on Monday's test because i screwed up the numbers and didn't do twenty as a result though i knew all of the answers and could have gotten a ninety six on it. I hate scan trons. Then we talked about Jesus and his influence on the earth and society plus we got a pop quiz that i got a hundred on.